
Your friends are in need.

Your fellow AIPES/EJI are in need. When we all were in Prague, we stressed the idea of leadership, respect and family. That idea that is supposed to remain with you long after your AIPES/EJI summer is family. So, I am asking you to close your eyes for a moment and think back to your summer in Prague…

When you open your eyes, I hope that this moment of reflection was filled with a warm feeling. A feeling of what it was like to be together again in Prague. Remember the times we learned together, we traveled to class together, we ate together, and of course, had a drink or two together. Remember that feeling of arriving a bit confused, maybe nervous and leaving AIPES/EJI proud of what you and your class had accomplished. You endured a week living together in every aspect that could sometimes be challenging. These challenges, and we all know AIPES/EJI is full of physical, mental, but overall, emotional challenges that lead to growth, made you the person you are today- a much stronger person, a leader in your world, a person of influence on a level you probably don’t realize… You are the elite of…

Your fellow AIPES/EJI classmates from Georgia are experiencing human suffering right now. Some of your fellow classmates are/were directly involved in the tragic events unfolding in their homes. They are losing their way of life, family members, and most of all the freedom of every day life that many of us take for granted. No matter what part of the world we live in, we are hearing different sides or interpretations of the truth. All of us, in this age of instant information, are subject to distortions of the truth. But one truth that cannot be refuted is that the people of Georgia along with people in the regions of S. Ossetia and Abkhazia are suffering. They are suffering through deep, emotional experiences that no one human should ever encounter. And they need assistance to get their lives back and reclaim their human freedom and respect that every human deserves.

Consider this a central location to communicate with each other. Let this be the place we come together.